Wednesday, February 3, 2010


In discussions of assessment, we watched a clip from CLUELESS, for some comedic relief about how parents and students view grades and assessment.

One point that was brought up was that as teachers, we need to pay attention to the student, not the number -- for early childhood, my colleagues and I realized that we need to pay attention to the student, not the demographic.

Given that I have 2/3 of my students on IEPs, and 1/2 my students are "at risk" - it is easy to categorize different students and view their progress and assessments in conjunction with demographics. The truth is, I teach 30 students each day (period). My teaching and assessment and observations need to reflect nothing more than 30 happy students.

The other point I took away from class was to see things for the long term - which I find kind of funny because my kiddos are ages 3-6. Our "long-term" means kindergarten and early elementary school. Nevertheless, it is good to remember that Rome was not built in a day, and all accomplishments are progressive.

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